For making a book or a textbook reservation you need to be registered at least in one of the CTU Libraries. For making reservation you need to be logged in the Library catalogue using your Usermap/KOS name and your PIN code). Make sure you are not logged in as "Guest".
Search for a title you need and display "All items" (at the down part of the record). If the book is marked 'On shelf' - reserve using the button 'Request' (on the left side of the item record).
Sublibrary, Item status and Description columns provide information about book availability, where it is available and the period for which it is available.
You can make a reservation for 10 items at a time in one branch of the CTU Library, either in the Central library in Dejvice or in a local one. Maximum is 30 borrowed items in all CTU libraries at a time.
Indicators showing the item is not available at the library or to borrow off-site:
- ‘To study room‘ – you cannot borrow the book off-site thle library building
- ‘Deposited’ – the book is located in one of the local libraries, not available directly at the library
- a particular date under 'Due date' - showing after which date the item will be available to borrow.
! If you need a particular book, make a reservation to get on waiting list. (See number of request column.)
You will receive an e-mail notification about your reservation ready to collect in your e-mail adress which you provided during registration process. In the case you provided the university e-mail but you do not use it regularly, please make sure your e-mails are automatically redirected to the one you provided to the library.
Reserved items will be ready for you in the given library. There are 7 calendar days to collect your reservations from the day you got the e-mail notification about your reservations ready to collect. You must do it in the given library, although you may change the date.